Spring Cleaning: 3 Tips To Maintain Your Custom Cabinetry

Another year, another beautiful start to Spring. In theory, cleaning your custom cabinetry and joinery is a weekly practice.

In theory. 

But if you’re like us, those shorter days and cooler nights eased you into a winter hibernation where consistent cleaning was the last thing on your mind. With longer, warmer days upon us, it’s the perfect time to kick off your spring cleaning and address those internal home areas you may have overlooked. 

G & M Craftsman Cabinets produce custom cabinetry and joinery for our Sunshine Coast and Brisbane clients, and we know the surefire ways to maintain them. 

Our products are typically featured in home areas exposed to the elements, for example, by windows. If you do not clean your cabinetry, airborne spores that settle on interior home surfaces can cause mould and algae. 

Here are some simple tips for cleaning and protecting your custom cabinetry.

Use Microfibre Cloths

Microfibre cloths are a staple cleaning aid in any home, and rightfully so. Using these lightweight cloths minimises the chance of scratching your cabinetry as they are gentle on all surfaces.  Do not use steel wool or scourers when cleaning your cabinets.

When cleaning your cabinetry, especially wooden cabinetry, we advise dampening your cloth, not soaking it. Too much liquid will cause long-lasting damage.

Microfibre cloths are also perfect for dusting and drying. Please pay special attention to your wet areas and ensure you dry them immediately after wiping them down. For example, around your sinks that are prone to high moisture and condensation, making them highly vulnerable to water damage. Buffing and polishing are also safe with microfibre cloths, but ensure you wipe with the grain of the wood, not against it. 

Avoid Abrasive Cleaners

Using harsh or abrasive cleaners (oven cleaners, kitchen or bathroom detergents) can damage your cabinets. 

We recommend using non-abrasive cleaners and remembering this mantra: patch tests are always best. Apply an approved multi-purpose surface cleaner or oil-based soap to your cabinetry, wipe it down and wait. 

Maintenance is vital for preserving your cabinetry, but who has time to deep clean daily? Weekly spot cleaning with a microfibre cloth and recommended cleaning product will suffice. Just spray your cleaner and gently wipe away fingerprints or other stains. 

While on the maintenance topic, you must clean spills immediately. Moisture, food and even beauty products can ruin your cabinetry’s finish when left on cabinetry surfaces too long. For removing stubborn stains, try using a vinegar and water solution and wipe gently to avoid scratching. 

Seasonal Deep Cleans Are A Must

Your custom cabinetry and joinery should be deep cleaned three to four times a year. Use the start of each new season as motivation for a clean start and clear out all your storage areas. 

These deep cleans are the time to grab your microfibre cloths and gentle surface cleaner to clean your shelves and internal and external cabinet doors. Try using a clean toothbrush for those hard-to-reach areas, and ensure surfaces are completely dry before returning the removed contents to their rightful place. 


G & M provide stylish, luxury cabinetry to our clients. While we use high-quality, durable materials and impeccable craftsmanship to produce our cabinets, you must understand how to care for them. 

We want your interior to look as new for as long as possible, and these simple tips are the best way to achieve that. 

Contact G & M for clarification on the best cleaning practices for your customised cabinetry. We will help you ensure it is long-lasting and holds its physical appeal. 

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